Application Documents for Graduate Programs


Exam scores which is valid on the date of application will remain valid on the date of registration.

"At Boğaziçi University, a student registered in a graduate program cannot apply for the same graduate program without disenrolling from the program first. Executive Committee has unanimously decided to disqualify such applications."


Documentation of English Proficiency

The language of instruction at Boğaziçi University is English.

Applicants must prove their competence in the English language via a language exam recognized by the University Senate.

The English Proficiency Test (BUEPT) is administered by the School of Foreign Languages (YADYOK).

Applicants who plan to take the BUEPT must apply to YADYOK prior to the date of the exam.

Applicants who have already taken the TOEFL® or IELTS and received a sufficient overall score but failed to achieve a sufficient score in the writing section must present their TOEFL® or IELTS score report to YADYOK and apply to take the TWE. Those who achieve a sufficient score on the TWE will be considered proficient in English.

Information on the BUEPT and the TWE may be found on the YADYOK website. (

Scores are valid for two years after the test date.

TOEFL® (IBT) General Score 79, TWE 22
(TOEFL® Home Edition exams are not accepted.)

Scores are valid for two years after the test date.

IELTS Academic 6.5, Academic Writing 6.5
(IELTS Online exams are not accepted.)

Scores are valid for two years after the test date.

Click here for exemption from the English Proficieny Test.


Applicants who have received their undergraduate or graduate degree from Boğaziçi University and are applying to a graduate or Ph.D. program within at most two years of graduation are exempt from the English proficiency test.

Candidates applying for quotas reserved for graduate students in the English preparatory division must take placement test administered by the School of Foreign Languages (YADYOK).

Candidates must have an intermediate level of English if applying for the Fall term and have an advanced level of English if applying for the Spring term. Candidates must have an advanced level of English if applying to certain programs for the Fall term.

Applicants who score below the required level on the placement test will not have the right to register in the programs they were admitted to.

Information on the placement test may be found on the YADYOK website. (


Standardized Graduate Education Exam Scores (ALES/GRE/GMAT)

Applicants must have taken the Academic Personnel and Graduate Studies Exam (ALES) centrally administered bythe Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), and achieved a sufficient score in the test types required for admission into the relevant graduate program.

The ALES is not required for certain Non-thesis Master Programs.

Students who have completed a Master's Degree Program at Boğaziçi University and apply to a Doctoral Program in the same program are not required to submit ALES scores, provided that their application is made no later than one semester after their graduation from the Master's Program.

ALES scores are valid for five years.

Click here for exemption from the ALES.

Instead of ALES scores, scores from the internationally-recognized Graduate Record Examination (GRE) / Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) are also accepted. Some programs may require GRE/GMAT scores in addition to ALES score.

GRE/GMAT scores are valid for five  years. 

Official GRE/GMAT scores must be sent directly to Boğaziçi University. (Boğaziçi University’s GRE code is 3205, and GMAT code is 0796).


*For PhD Applicants Foreign Language Proficiency Exam Scores (YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL)

According to Council of Higher Education’s (YÖK) Regulations on Graduate Education and Instruction, applicants to PhD programs must obtain a minimum score of 55 on the YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL or an equivalent score on an exam recognized by the Interuniversity Council, and students of foreign citizenship must have obtained a minimum score of 55 on the language section of the YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL other than their mother tongue (languages stated in the Regulation) or an equivalent score on an exam recognized by the Interuniversity Council in addition to the English proficiency tests recognized by the University Senate.

YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL scores are valid for five  years. 

Note: As BUEPT / IELTS / two year exemption rule due to being our own graduate are not accepted by YÖK, they will not satisfy the YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL requirement.

For equivalent test scores determined by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) click.

Diploma or Certificate of Graduation

To apply for admission to a Master program, applicants must have graduated or be eligible to graduate from an undergraduate program.

To apply with an undergraduate degree for admission to a PhD program, applicants must have graduated or be eligible to graduate from an undergraduate program.

To apply with a Master’s degree for admission to a PhD program, applicants must have graduated or be eligible to graduate from a Master program.*

*(Article 2, Paragraph 1b of the Higher Education Council Regulations for Graduate Study, which states, “to be eligible for a PhD program, candidates must have earned either a bachelor’s degree, or a master’s degree with a thesis,” shall not be applicable to students registered in non-thesis master’s programs prior to February 6, 2013.)

Applicants who have graduated must submit their diploma and certificate of graduation at the time of application; those who have not yet graduated must submit an official document from their university showing they are eligible to graduate (Except students of Boğaziçi University).

Citizens of the Republic of Türkiye who received their undergraduate or graduate degree abroad must submit a document of equivalence in order to be registered to a graduate program.

Foreign students who studied in a university abroad must submit a certificate of recognition from the Higher Education Council (YÖK).


Student Disciplinary Record

Applicants from universities in Türkiye must obtain a document showing their disciplinary record from the school they graduated or will graduate from, and submit it at time of application (Except students and graduates of Boğaziçi University).

Applicants whose disciplinary record is shown on their student document or transcript do not need to obtain such a document.


Official Transcript

The original transcript that shows the courses taken and the grades achieved must be submitted. 

PhD program applicants must submit their both graduate and undergraduate transcripts.

Diploma supplements cannot be substituted for transcripts.



At least two reference letters are required for applying to all graduate programs.

On the Application Form, the names, last names, and email addresses of at least two people who will be asked for a reference letter must be provided (the provided e-mail address cannot be changed after the application is submitted). After the application is submitted, the referee will receive an email with instrcuctions on how to submit the reference letter. When the referee submits the reference letter electronically, the applicant will receive a confirmation email.

If the program for which you are applying requires a specific form of recommendation, it is the applicant's responsibility to provide the form to the referee.


Statement of Purpose/Research Proposal/Curriculum Vitae

Applicants must submit a Statement of Purpose, written in English, explaining why they wish to be admitted to the program. Applicants for English Preparatory Division may submit Statement of Purpose written in Turkish.

Some programs require that applicants submit a research proposal.

Some programs require the submission of a Curriculum Vitae.


Application Fees

Program application fees are TRY 500.00 For overseas payments, it is EUR 50.00 or USD 50.00

A separate application fee must be paid for each program application.

The application fee must be paid only if the relevant program has an opening and applicants fulfill the necessary requirements. Otherwise, the application fee is non-refundable.


Applicants who are currently enrolled at Boğaziçi University at the time of application are exempt from paying the application fee.

Applicants who are unregistered Boğaziçi University students at the time of application, Boğaziçi University graduates, or not from Boğaziçi University are required to pay the application fee.

Refer to the Online Application System Guide for information on how to pay the application fee.


Admission Decision  

The relevant Institutes will post admission decisions concerning Graduate Program applicants on the Boğaziçi University website under Announcements.

Click here for information regarding tuition and fees.