Students Registered at an Institution of Higher Education in Türkiye

Application deadline for the Fall Semester : 1 September 2025 / 17.00 PM

Students registered at a state or foundation university in Türkiye who plan to apply and take classes in special student capacity must apply to the Registrar’s Office latest by the date specified above, with the Board decision of the higher education institution they are currently enrolled in concerning the class they wish to take at Boğaziçi University, accompanied by an official letter.

The medium of instruction at Boğaziçi University is English. The English proficiency of the applicants who are enrolled at higher education institutions where the language of instruction is English, or whose mother tongue is English is assessed through an interview and/or a written exam by the School of Foreign Languages. Students who do meet these requirements must prove their English proficiency by submitting a score report from a language exam recognized by the Boğaziçi University Senate.

Applications submitted during the application period will be collected by the Registrar’s Office and relayed to the relevant Faculty, School or Institute. Final decisions on applications are taken by the Boards of the relevant Faculty/School/Institute, following approval by the course lecturer and the department offering the course.

Admitted students are registered to classes by the Registrar’s Office. After admitted students are registered, attend classes and take the necessary exams, the Registrar’s Office notifies the relevant Institute of Higher Education by official writing of the classes they took and their grades.

Students who attend classes without applying, registering and paying an application fee cannot receive their grades at the end of the semester.

Special students must adhere by the rules specified in the University regulations and directives.

Documents required to apply (Send your application documents as one PDF file e-mail address. )

  1. Application form
  2. Official writing from the institution the students is enrolled at, explaining which classes will be taken at Boğaziçi University in special student capacity (The official writing should be written on a paper which contains a letterhead of the affiliated institution)
  3. Documentation of English proficiency (Attach the YADYOK approved document. Click here for detailed information )
  4. Official transcript
  5. Student disciplinary record
  6. Enrollment Verification Form
  7. Photocopy of identity card
  8. Application fee

Application Fee: 500.00 Turkish Liras.

TL Account
Garanti BBVA
Boğaziçi University Branch
Branch Code : 303
Account Name: Strateji Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı
Account Number: 6299738
IBAN:TR65 0006 2000 3030 0006 2997 38

Contact Information
Boğaziçi University
Registrar's Office
General Administration Building / South Campus
34342 Bebek
Istanbul – TÜRKİYE

Phone: +90 212 359 44 08